Lunch: All-Purpose Barbecue Ribs

Recipe by Joe Carroll and Nick Fauchald Many smoked ribs recipes have you remove the membrane from the underside of the ribs before cooking them. I don't see the point, unless you're entering your ribs in a barbecue competition: it's a pain in the ass to


6 –7 pounds rib racks (your choice of St. Louis-style pork spareribs, lamb spareribs, or beef short ribs)
1 cup Fette Sau Dry Rub
Vinegar Sauce for serving


Put the ribs on a rimmed baking sheet and coat all over with the dry rub, patting it onto the surface until the meat has a thin, even layer of rub (you may not need all of the rub). If you have time, let the meat rest for 1 hour, or until the rub starts to turn into a pasty coating.
Preheat a smoker to 225 °F or set up a grill for smoking. Soak wood chips, if using.
Place the racks of ribs, meaty side up, in the smoker and smoke, maintaining a smoker temperature between 200 °F and 225 °F, replenishing the charcoal and wood chunks or chips as needed.


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