Lunch: Tomato Black-Pepper Granita

Not overly sweet, and with a spunky kick, this palate cleanser is a take on the traditional Italian combination of strawberries, black pepper, and balsamic vinegar. (It also tastes great in a Bloody Mary.)


2 pounds vine-ripened tomatoes (about 4 medium; preferably red)
1/4 cup superfine granulated sugar
2 teaspoons coarsely ground black pepper
1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar


Quarter tomatoes and in a food processor purée with sugar until smooth. Pour purée through a sieve, pressing hard on solids, into a shallow metal baking pan. Stir in pepper and vinegar until combined well. Freeze mixture, covered, stirring and crushing lumps with a fork about every 30 minutes, until no longer slushy but not frozen solid, 2 to 3 hours. Granita may be made 2 days ahead and frozen, covered.
Just before serving, scrape granita with a fork to lighten texture and break up ice crystals.


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