Snack: Grilled Zucchini with Cheese

Very easy kid friendly recipe to make and a good way to get kids to eat their veggies!


1 tsp season salt
4 large zucchini, 8-10" long
8 oz reduced fat cheese, finely grated


1. Preheat broiler and put rack into middle position. Wash zucchini and cut off ends. Cut into crosswise slices about 3/8 inches wide. It's important that all zucchini are equal size and slices are same width.

2. Spray a large round or rectangular baking sheet with non-stick spray. Cover baking sheet completely with zucchini rounds, putting them as close together as possible. Sprinkle zucchini with season salt, and any other seasonings desired.

3. Completely cover top of zucchini with grated cheese. Broil until cheese is browned and zucchini is barely tender, about 5-7 minutes. Serve immediately.


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