Lunch: Avocado, Sprout, and Cashew Spread Sandwich Recipe | Myrecipes

Recipe by Hannah Klinger Top bread with a cashew spread, sprouts, radishes, avocado, arugula, and more to make this fresh and flavorful sandwich.


1/3 cup cashews, toasted
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
1 garlic clove
1 tablespoon water
1 tablespoon canola mayonnaise


To prepare cashew spread, pulse first 3 ingredients in a mini food processor until coarsely ground. Add 1 tablespoon water and mayonnaise; process until smooth. Reserve 2 tablespoons cashew spread for another use. To prepare sandwich, spread 1 tablespoon remaining cashew spread over each bread slice; top 1 bread slice with sprouts, radishes, avocado, arugula, juice, pepper, and remaining bread slice. Cut in half diagonally.


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