Dessert: Raspberry Marshmallow Mess

This recipe incorporates everything delicious in one bite — boozy brandied berries, pillowy marshmallows, and airy meringue.


1 quantity Double raspberry marshmallow
1 lb. 2 ounces strawberries
4 1/2 oz. fresh or frozen raspberries
1/4 c. castor (superfine) sugar
2.00-3 tbsp. brandy
10 oz. whipping cream
2/3 c. thick Greek-style yogurt
1 3/4 oz. meringues


Double Raspberry Marshmallow: Lightly spray an 8- by 12-inch slice tin with oil, line the base and two long sides with non-stick baking paper and lightly spray the paper with oil. Puree the raspberries, then strain through a fine sieve and discard the seeds. You will need 7 fluid ounces raspberry puree for this recipe.
Combine 2 cups of the sugar, the glucose and 3/4 cup water in a small, deep heavy-based saucepan. Stir over low heat until the sugar dissolves. Bring to the boil and simmer, without stirring, until the syrup reaches 250 degrees F on a sugar thermometer (hard-ball stage). Watch it carefully, as the syrup has a tendency to bubble up.
Meanwhile, slowly sprinkle the gelatin over 7 fluid ounces of the raspberry puree in a shallow microwave-safe bowl and whisk to combine. Set aside for 5 minutes. Heat in the microwave for 30 –45 seconds on High (100 percent), or until the gelatin has dissolved.
When the sugar syrup reaches 234 degrees F, whisk the egg whites in an electric mixer with a whisk attachment on medium speed. When frothy, increase the speed to medium–high and gradually add the remaining sugar, whisking until thick and glossy. Keep the mixer running on medium speed.
When the sugar syrup reaches 250 degrees F, turn off the heat. When the bubbles subside, carefully add the gelatin mixture – take care, as the syrup may bubble up.
Increase the mixer speed to medium–high and gradually pour the hot syrup mixture down the inside of the bowl in a thin, steady stream. Increase the speed to high and whisk until the mixture is very thick and holds its shape, about 6 –8 minutes, depending on your mixer. The outside of the bowl should almost be at room temperature.
Use a spatula to scrape the marshmallow mixture into the prepared tin and smooth the surface. Stand for 2 –3 hours, until set.
Meanwhile, to make the raspberry sugar coating, preheat the oven to 230 degrees F and line a baking tray with non-stick baking paper. Combine the sugar and the remaining raspberry puree in a small bowl. Spread over the prepared tray and cook for 40 –45 minutes or until dry. Remove from the oven and allow to cool. Crumble the raspberry sugar if clumps have formed.
Turn the marshmallow out onto a clean surface and cut into shapes with cutters or a large knife sprayed lightly with oil. Roll in the raspberry sugar.
Raspberry Marshmallow Mess: Prepare the marshmallow as instructed above. Once set, turn out onto a clean surface and cut one-third of the slab into approximately 1/2-inch pieces with a large knife sprayed lightly with oil. Keep the remaining marshmallow for another use.
Place half the strawberries in a large bowl and roughly mash. Add the marshmallow, raspberries, sugar, brandy and remaining strawberries. Stir well and set aside to macerate.
Beat the cream and yogurt until firm peaks just form. Do not over-beat. Gently fold in two-thirds of the marshmallow mixture. Layer in individual serving glasses with pieces of meringue and the remaining marshmallow mixture. Serve immediately.


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