Dessert: Two-Ingredient Truffles

Recipe by Rhoda Boone These treats look fancy and luxurious, but they couldn'’t be easier to make. Since the truffle base is made from just two ingredients, using good-quality chocolate is key. Explore any fun toppings you like, from the traditional coco


2/3 cup heavy cream
12 ounces good-quality finely chopped milk chocolate or semisweet chocolate, or chocolate chips


Set a heat-safe medium bowl over a medium saucepan filled with an inch or two of water (the bottom of the bowl should not touch the water in the pot). Heat over medium heat until water is simmering, then add cream to bowl and heat until warm, about 3 minutes. Add chocolate and cook, stirring constantly, until melted, about 3 minutes (or up to 5 minutes if using chocolate chips).
Carefully remove the bowl from the saucepan and pour chocolate mixture into a second heatproof bowl or pie pan (preferably made from metal, since it cools more quickly). Let cool at room temperature 15 minutes, then freeze until truffle base is firm, about 1 hour.
Line a baking sheet with parchment or wax paper. Once chocolate mixture has chilled, use a teaspoon, melon baller, or small scoop to drop truffle mixture by the heaping teaspoonful onto the prepared sheet. Form truffles into balls by rolling them quickly between the palms of your hands. This process is a little messy, so wash your hands in cold water halfway through rolling, if desired. Freeze truffles on prepared sheet for 20 minutes.


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