Lunch: Orange, Radicchio, and Oregano Salad Recipe | Myrecipes

Time: 25 minutes. The dressing for this salad relies on a smart low-fat cooking technique: Reduce juice to concentrate its sweetness and create a clingy texture, so you don't have to add much oil.


1/2 cup fresh orange juice
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon red-wine vinegar
3/4 teaspoon kosher salt
1 tablespoon chopped fresh oregano plus 2 tbsp. leaves
3 navel oranges
1 head radicchio, torn into pieces
1/2 cup thinly slivered red onion


In a small saucepan, cook juice over high heat until reduced to 2 tbsp., about 5 minutes; let cool. In a small bowl, whisk together juice, oil, vinegar, salt, and chopped oregano.
Cut off ends and outer white membrane from oranges; slice into rounds. In a bowl, gently toss oranges, radicchio, onion, and oregano leaves with dressing to coat.
Note: Nutritional analysis is per serving.


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