Lunch: Making a Sourdough Starter (Levain) from Scratch


organic rye flour or organic whole wheat flour
bread flour
bottled water


In an immaculately clean bowl, combine a scant cup/4. 2 ounces/120 grams organic rye flour and 1/2 cup/4. 2 ounces/120 grams bottled water. With a clean hand or spoon, stir until the flour is moistened and a stiff dough is formed. If there are still loose flour particles after 2 minutes, add more water by the droplet. Scrape the starter into the 4-cup container. You will have about 1 cup/8. 5 ounces/240 grams. Cover it tightly with plastic wrap (it's fine to use the ring that screws onto the canning jar to keep the plastic wrap in place) and place it in a cool area (65 °F) for 48 hours. (If you don't have a cool area, let it sit for only 24 hours [until Day 2] and feed it the same way as described for Day 3.)


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