Snack: Hissy Fit Dip Nachos

Recipe by Joanna Saltz This Southern favorite is named for the freakout people have when the dip's all gone. We turned it, like everything, into nachos. A slow cooker makes this the ultimate game-day appetizer: Just turn it on, throw everything in, and f


8 links Hot Italian sausage, casings removed
16 oz. Velveeta cheese, cut into cubes
8 oz. Muenster cheese, shredded
1 1/2 c. sour cream
1 tsp. onion powder
1 tsp. garlic powder
2 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
Salt and pepper, to taste
tortilla chips


In medium skillet, cook sausage until no longer pink, crumbling as you sauté. Meanwhile, turn slow cooker on to medium-high (a 2- to 4-hour setting).
Transfer cooked sausage (with pan drippings) to slow cooker. Then add in Velveeta, Muenster, sour cream, onion and garlic powders, Worcestershire, salt and pepper. Mix until well-incorporated.
Cover slow cooker, and allow to cook until cheese is melted, about 40 minutes. Serve over tortilla chips.


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