Lunch: Chicken Stock

Like a blank canvas, this very plain stock awaits your artistry. It's perfect for soups because it does not have any salt or sweet ingredients (such as carrots) or seasonings (such as thyme or bay leaf) that may interfere with the flavorings called for in


3 lb. mixture of raw chicken carcasses, wings, leg bones, backs, necks, and giblets (not the liver)
2 1/2 qt. cold water or enough to cover bones
1 small onion
1 small celery rib
6 black peppercorns


Place the chicken, water, onion, celery, and pepper in a 3-quart saucepan and heat to boiling over medium heat. Skim off any foam. Gently simmer, partially covered, over medium-low heat until the giblets are tender and the bones are falling apart, about 2 1/2 hours.
Drain the stock through a colander lined with cheese cloth into another large pot, pressing on the ingredients to extract the juices. Use the stock immediately or cool quickly in an ice bath and store up to 3 days in the refrigerator or 6 months in the freezer. Nutritional information is based on a 1-cup serving.


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