Lunch: Mama's Divinity

For a sweet Southern treat this holiday season, try this delicious recipe!


4 cups granulated sugar
1 cup light corn syrup
1 cup cold water
3 egg whites
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup pecans


Prepare 2-3 baking sheets with wax paper.
In heavy bottomed medium saucepan over medium heat, add the sugar, corn syrup and water. Stir only until sugar has dissolved, DO NOT STIR AFTER THIS POINT. Cook the syrup until the temperature reaches 255 º on a candy thermometer, bringing it to a hard ball stage.
Meanwhile, in the bowl of a stand mixer, beat the egg whites until stiff. When the candy reaches 255 º, carefully pour a slow steady stream of syrup into the stiffened egg whites. Beat constantly at high speed. Add the vanilla and continue to beat until the mixture holds its shape, this should take about 5 minutes to fully incorporate. Add in pecans a the end and mix in with a spoon.
Spray 2 spoons with oil spray to keep the divinity from sticking. Using the spoons, place the divinity onto the wax paper lined baking sheets. This may take a little practice, use one spoon to push the candy off of the other, then twirl the top while dropping onto the waxed, mimicking the top of a soft serve ice cream. When and if the candy becomes too stiff to swirl, add a few drops of hot water to loosen. Be prepared to work quickly and perhaps ask a friend to help, when it comes time to start twirling the tops of the candies.


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