Dinner: Flounder with Corn and Tasso Maque Choux

Recipe by Francine Maroukian and Bryan Caswell The fillets are cooked in foil packets with a mix of herbs, citrus, beer, and wine, then served with maque choux, a Cajun succotash.


4 1/4-inch-thick shallot slices (rounds), divided
4 tablespoons (1/2 stick) unsalted butter, divided
4 small garlic cloves, sliced, divided
8 thin slices unpeeled lime, divided
4 thin slices unpeeled orange, divided
4 6- to 7-ounce flounder or John Dory fillets (preferably with skin)
Cayenne pepper
8 fresh thyme sprigs, divided
8 tablespoons dark beer, divided
4 tablespoons dry white wine, divided
Corn and Tasso Maque Choux


Line pie dish with large sheet of foil, leaving long overhang on 1 side. Separate rings of 1 shallot slice; scatter over foil. Top with 1 tablespoon butter, sliced garlic clove, 2 lime slices, and 1 orange slice. Sprinkle 1 fillet on both sides with salt and cayenne. Arrange fillet, skin side down, atop seasonings in dish. Top fillet with 2 thyme sprigs. Spoon 2 tablespoons beer and 1 tablespoon wine around fillet. Fold long foil overhang over fillet to opposite edge of foil, pressing foil onto fillet. Fold foil edge over to seal on 3 sides, then fold again to double seal. Transfer packet to baking sheet. Repeat with remaining seasonings and fillets.
Prepare barbecue (high heat). Arrange packets, sealed side up, on grill rack. Cook until fish feels slightly firm when pressed, about 10 minutes. Serve with Corn and Tasso Maque Choux.


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