Drink: Lime Cordial

Lime cordial is a mixture of sweet limeade syrup and beer, club soda, or seltzer, in a ratio of about 3 parts syrup to 1 part beer or soda (the syrup by itself can also be properly called lime cordial). The wonderfully refreshing drink both complements an


6 1/2 cups water
2 cups sugar
1 cup strained fresh lime juice (from 8 large limes)
Beer (not dark) or club soda or seltzer


Heat water and sugar in a 2-quart saucepan over moderate heat, stirring, until sugar is dissolved, then cool to room temperature.
Stir in lime juice and chill, covered, until cold, about 3 1/2 hours.
Pour about 3/4 cup lime cordial in a tall glass filled with ice and top off with beer or club soda.


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