Dinner: Creole Shrimp Deviled Eggs Recipe | MyRecipes

Your guests will rave over these impressive, NOLA-inspired deviled eggs.


12 large eggs
1/3 cup fat-free Greek yogurt
2 ounces 1/3-less-fat cream cheese
1/2 cup finely chopped cooked shrimp
3 tablespoons sautéed chopped green bell pepper
1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley
1 green onion, minced
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1/4 teaspoon Creole seasoning
1/4 teaspoon hot sauce
1/8 teaspoon salt
Cooked shrimp


Place eggs in a single layer in a stainless steel saucepan. (Do not use nonstick.) Add water to depth of 3 inches. Bring to a rolling boil; cook 1 minute. Cover, remove from heat, and let stand 10 minutes. Drain.
Place eggs under cold running water until just cool enough to handle. Tap eggs on the counter until cracks form; peel.
Slice eggs in half lengthwise, and carefully remove yolks. Mash together yolks, yogurt, and next 9 ingredients until smooth using a fork. Spoon yolk mixture into egg white halves. Top with cooked shrimp. Serve immediately, or cover and chill 1 hour before serving.


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