Lunch: Chorizo Bolognese with Buffalo Mozzarella

Recipe by Donna Hay This cheat bolognese is so easy to make and has a delicious richness that's irresistible. Using the chorizo in place of beef means it's packed with flavor and ready in under 15 minutes!


1 pound dried chorizo, casing removed and chopped
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
2 sprigs rosemary, leaves picked
1/4 teaspoon dried chili flakes
2 cloves garlic, crushed
Sea salt and cracked black pepper
1/2 cup red wine
1 (14-ounce) can chopped tomatoes
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 pound tagliatelle
9 ounces buffalo mozzarella, torn


Place the chorizo in a food processor and process until finely chopped. Set aside. Heat the oil in a large frying pan over high heat. Add the rosemary leaves and cook for 30 seconds or until crisp. Remove and set aside. Add the chorizo, chili flakes, garlic, salt and pepper to the pan and cook, stirring, for 3 –4 minutes or until golden and crispy. Add the wine and cook for 30 seconds. Add the tomatoes and sugar and bring to a simmer. Reduce the heat to medium, cover with a lid and cook for 5 –6 minutes or until the liquid has slightly reduced.
While the chorizo mixture is cooking, cook the pasta in a large pot of salted boiling water for 6 –8 minutes or until al dente. Drain, reserving 1/2 cup of the cooking liquid.
Add the reserved cooking liquid to the chorizo mixture and stir to combine. Top the pasta with the chorizo mixture, mozzarella, crispy rosemary and pepper to serve.


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