Lunch: Mini Cheeseburger Puffs

These little cheeseburgers wrapped in flaky puff pastry are a great appetizer or snack.


1 lb ground chuck
2 teaspoons steak seasoning
1 teaspoon Paula Deen Silly Salt
black pepper, freshly ground
1/2 Vidalia onion, minced
1 package puff pastry sheets
20 (1 inch) slices cheddar cheese


Preheat oven to 350 º.
Combine the first 5 ingredients. Hand-form patty to 1/4 normal burger size, about 2-inches in diameter. In a grooved black skillet, cook burgers to medium. Turn once. Do not overcook.
Roll out thawed puff pastry. Cut 10 (6-inch) even panels. Place burger in center of square and top with 2 slices of cheese. Fold edges up and twist on top. Bake 20 to 25 minutes and serve warm.
* Paula Deen Silly Salt is a blend of salt, dehydrated onion and garlic, spices, soybean oil and lemon flavor.


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