Dessert: Chocolate-Strawberry Panini


1/4 cup chocolate-hazelnut spread (recommended: Nutella)
12 (1/2-inch) thick slices pound cake (from 1 (10.75-ounce) loaf
6 fresh strawberries, hulled and very thinly sliced
Butter-flavored nonstick cooking spray


Heat a panini grill to medium according to the manufacturer's instructions. Spread the chocolate-hazelnut spread over 1 side of all of the pound cake slices. Arrange the sliced strawberries over 6 cake slices. Cover with the remaining cake slices, chocolate side down.
Spray panini grill with nonstick spray and grill each panino until the pound cake is crisp and golden and the fillings are warm, about 2 minutes. Cut each panino in half and serve.


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