Dinner: Tri-Tip with Chipotle Rub

Recipe by The Bon Appétit Test Kitchen Also known as the bottom sirloin or triangle steak. Beefy enough to stand up to a bold spice rub, this cut is legendary in California, where the oak-grilled steak is served with salsa and beans.


2 - 2 1/2 pound tri-tip steak (about 2" thick)
Kosher salt
Chipotle Rub


Sprinkle tri-tip with kosher salt. Massage Chipotle Rub into meat. Let steak sit at room temperature for 1 hour or refrigerate uncovered overnight. Bring to room temperature before grilling.
Build a two-zone fire in a charcoal grill, or preheat a gas grill to medium-high. Cook 3-4 minutes per side over direct heat until nicely charred. Transfer to low-heat side (or lower gas grill heat to medium) and cook an additional 6-8 minutes per side or until an instant-read thermometer registers 120 °F for rare (steak will carry over to 125 °F, or medium-rare, as it rests).
Transfer meat to a carving board; let rest for 10 minutes. Thinly slice against the grain.


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