Drink: Orange-Cherry Champagne Cocktails

Recipe by Jane Lopes In China, citrus is given at the New Year as a sign of prosperity. In a champagne cocktail, sweet-tart oranges balance the flavors of the alcohol and other fruit.


3 seedless oranges
Peel of 1/2 orange
1/2 c. red cherries
1/2 c. sweet vermouth (such as Carpano Antica)
1/4 c. blended Scotch (such as Famous Grouse)
1 bottle champagne or other dry sparkling wine (such as Domaine Saint Vincent Brut)


Transfer orange juice to a blender. Add cherries and blend until fruit is pureed. Strain juice into a pitcher. Stir in vermouth and Scotch.
Divide cocktail mixture among 8 glasses and top off each with about 1/3 cup champagne. Garnish with orange peels.


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