Lunch: Crunchy Chicken Fingers with Coleslaw

Recipe by Woman's Day Kitchen Enjoy the taste of fried chicken without all the fat thanks to this oven-baked recipe, which features chicken tenders coated in a crunchy mix of finely crushed baked potato chips, paprika and salt.


1 large egg
1 lb. chicken tenders
1 c. finely crushed baked potato chips
3/4 tsp. paprika
1/4 tsp. salt


Heat oven to 450 °F. Line a rimmed baking sheet with foil (for easy cleanup). Lightly coat with nonstick spray.
Make Chicken Fingers: Beat egg in a shallow bowl with a fork until frothy. Add tenders and toss to coat. In another bowl, mix crushed chips, paprika and salt. Add tenders, a few at a time, and toss with a fork to coat. Place on prepared baking sheet.
Bake 10 minutes or until chicken is cooked through.
Meanwhile put Coleslaw ingredients in a bowl; toss to mix and coat.
Serve tenders with ranch dressing and the slaw.


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