Lunch: Salted Candied Almonds Recipe | MyRecipes

Recipe by Deb Wise These salty and sweet almond treats are easy to make ahead.


1 tablespoon butter
1/2 cup sliced almonds
1/4 cup sugar
Cooking spray
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt


Melt butter in a medium skillet over medium heat. Add almonds; cook, stirring constantly, 4 minutes or until almonds just begin to brown. Sprinkle almond mixture with sugar; cook, stirring con­stantly, 3 minutes or until sugar melts and mixture caramelizes.
Scrape almond mixture onto parchment paper coated with cooking spray; spread to about 1/2-inch thickness. Sprinkle evenly with kosher salt; let cool completely. Break into 2-inch pieces.


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