Lunch: Dashi (Japanese Sea Stock)

Kombu comes packaged in dried lengths that are most easily cut with scissors.Active time: 5 min Start to finish: 10 min


6 cups cold water
1 oz (30 grams) kombu (dried kelp), about 20 square inches
2 (5-gram) packages katsuo bushi (dried bonito flakes), about 1 cup


Bring cold water and kombu just to a boil in a large saucepan over high heat. Remove from heat and remove kombu (saving it for pickled Napa cabbage ). Sprinkle katsuo bushi over liquid; let stand 3 minutes and, if necessary, stir to make katsuo bushi sink. Pour through a cheesecloth-lined sieve or a coffee filter into a bowl. Reserve katsuo bushi for rice with soy-glazed bonito flakes and sesame seeds .


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