Dessert: Red Velvet Cake Balls Recipe | MyRecipes

Recipe by Lana Rulevish, Ashley, IL Red Velvet Cake Balls are the perfect bite size dessert. They are incredibly easy to make and are a wonderful indulgent treat or gift.


1 18 1/2 oz. pkg. red velvet cake mix
1 16-oz. container cream cheese frosting
1 16-oz. pkg. regular or white melting chocolate


Prepare and bake cake mix following package directions for a 13"x9" cake; let cool. Crumble cooled cake into a large bowl. Stir in cream cheese frosting. Roll mixture into balls the size of quarters.
Place on baking sheets and chill for several hours or overnight. Melt chocolate in a double boiler. Dip cake balls into chocolate and place on wax paper. Let sit until firm.


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