Lunch: Zia Carolina's Pasta: Aunt Carolina's Pasta


1 pound/450 g spaghetti
Extra-virgin olive oil, for frying
4 zucchini, sliced
2 tablespoons/28 g chopped capers, plus extra whole capers for topping
Small bunch fresh mint leaves, finely chopped


Cook the pasta in a pot of boiling salted water. Stir immediately to prevent the strands from sticking together.
In a large saucepan, heat up the olive oil and fry the zucchini until golden brown . Place the fried zucchini on an absorbent paper towel to drain the excess oil. Add the salt to the zucchini while they are still hot and set aside the saucepan with the zucchini-flavored oil for later.
Drain the pasta just before it is 'al dente' and add it to the saucepan with the zucchini-flavored oil. Add the fried zucchini, chopped capers and 3/4 of the chopped mint. Mix well so that the flavors are evenly distributed. Add more salt, if necessary. Transfer the spaghetti mixture to a large serving bowl, top with a few whole capers and sprinkle with the remaining mint. Serve immediately.


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