Drink: Cheeseburger Cocktail

Inspired by National Sandwich Day, Flor de Caña rum teamed up with top mixologists to create cocktails like this Cheeseburger created by Trevor Burnett and Whitney Munro of Tipicular Fixin's.


1 oz. Flor de Caña 7 yr rum
2 Roma tomatoes
1 oz. iceberg lettuce water
1 oz. well-reduced beef stock
salt and pepper


Muddle tomatoes, add ice, and slowly pour in lettuce water. Stir rum and beef jus together in stainless shaker. Float rum mixture over ice. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Pour into glass garnished with bread crumbs and Cheddar frico (see below).
To make garnish, heat pan to medium heat, sprinkle in cheddar and use sides of spoon to gather cheese into a circle. Brown lightly on both sides and remove from pan to cool on plate. Mix bread crumbs with dry mustard. Wet rim of glass with pickle juice, dip glass in crumb mixture.


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