Dessert: Chocolate Mint Chip Parfait


1 bunch fresh mint
2 large egg whites
About 1 cup granulated sugar


Remove the large leaves from the mint (about 30 leaves). If desired, reserve 10 sprigs for garnish; reserve the remaining mint for another use.
Preheat the oven to 200 °F (or to warm, depending on the oven). Line two large baking sheets with parchment paper.
In a shallow bowl, gently whisk the egg whites. Spread the sugar in another shallow bowl. Dip the mint leaves one at a time in the egg whites, shaking off the excess, then dip in the sugar, turning to coat well on both sides, and place on the baking sheets in a single layer.
Bake the leaves until thoroughly dry and crisp (2-1/2 hours should be enough). Let cool completely on the baking sheets on wire racks, then transfer to an airtight container until ready to use.


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