Lunch: Freezer-Friendly Mix-and-Match Pizzas

Why settle for toppings you don't like when you can make two variations with one crust?


1 can Pillsbury™ refrigerated classic pizza crust
1/4 cup pizza sauce
1/4 cup barbecue sauce
1 cup shredded deli rotisserie chicken
2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese (8 oz)


Heat oven to 425 °F. Before unrolling dough, cut roll in half with serrated knife. Unroll dough halves on large ungreased cookie sheet. Press each half into 11x7-inch rectangle, leaving at least an inch of space between each piece. Bake 6 minutes.
Spread pizza sauce on 1 partially baked crust, to within 1/2 inch of edge. Spread barbecue sauce on other partially baked crust, to within 1/2 inch of edge. Divide chicken, then cheese evenly over each crust. Bake 6 to 8 minutes. Cut each pizza into 4 slices.
To freeze: Make crust through first bake, then transfer each partially baked crust to 25x12-inch piece of foil. Spread pizza sauce on 1 partially baked crust, to within 1/2 inch of edge. Spread barbecue sauce on other partially baked crust, to within 1/2 inch of edge. Divide chicken, then cheese evenly over each crust. Wrap foil tightly around pizzas. Label, wrap in freezer plastic bag or double layer of plastic wrap, and freeze. To bake: Place cookie sheet in cold oven, then heat oven to 375 °F. Remove plastic and foil, and place frozen pizza(s) on cookie sheet. Bake 10 to 12 minutes or until cheese melts and crust is brown.


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