Dessert: Almond-apricot Cake Recipe | MyRecipes


Basic butter cake
About 1 1/4 cups apricot jam
7 ounces almond paste
Foolproof buttercream
Sliced almonds


Spread the bottom layer of the cake with about 1/4 cup apricot jam. Shape almond paste into a flat disk and place on a sheet of plastic wrap; cover with a second sheet of plastic and roll out into a 9-inch round. Peel off top layer of plastic and invert almond paste onto bottom layer of cake; peel off remaining plastic wrap and trim off any uneven edges. Spread bottom of top cake layer with about 1/4 cup apricot jam; set layer, jam side down, on almond paste. Warm 3/4 cup apricot jam in a microwave oven or over low heat on the stove, then pour through a fine wire strainer; you should have about 1/2 cup. Beat into buttercream; use apricot buttercream to frost cake. Garnish top or sides with sliced almonds.


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