Lunch: Potluck Candied Sweet Potatoes Recipe


1 cup packed brown sugar
1 cup sugar
8 medium sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into 1/2-inch slices
1/4 cup butter, melted
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons cornstarch
2 tablespoons cold water
Minced fresh parsley, optional


In a small bowl, combine sugars. In a greased 5-qt. slow cooker, layer a third of the sweet potatoes; sprinkle with a third of the sugar mixture. Repeat layers twice. In a small bowl, combine the butter, vanilla and salt; drizzle over potatoes. Cover and cook on low for 5-6 hours or until sweet potatoes are tender.
Using a slotted spoon, transfer potatoes to a serving dish; keep warm. Pour cooking juices into a small saucepan; bring to a boil. In a small bowl, combine cornstarch and water until smooth; stir into pan. Return to a boil, stirring constantly; cook and stir for 1-2 minutes or until thickened. Spoon over sweet potatoes.
Sprinkle with parsley if desired.


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