Lunch: Espresso Soy Milk Shake Recipe | MyRecipes

Recipe by Maureen Callahan Willett is a fan of soy milk and ice cream. This satisfying shake is a speedy dessert. It's also a way to enjoy the health benefits of caffeine, which may help lower your risk of diabetes and Parkinson's disease.


2 tablespoons fat-free chocolate syrup
2 1/8 teaspoons instant espresso granules or instant coffee granules, divided
1 1/2 cups vanilla soy ice cream (such as Soy Dreams)
1/2 cup low-fat plain soy milk


Combine syrup and 1/8 teaspoon espresso granules in a small bowl, stirring well. Using a spoon, drizzle half of syrup mixture around the inside rim of 2 small narrow glasses. Combine remaining 2 teaspoons espresso granules, ice cream, and milk in a blender; process until smooth. Pour 1 cup ice cream mixture into each glass. Serve immediately.


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