Lunch: Spicy Southwestern Cheese Sandwich

Smooth, ripe avocados taste great with the zip of pepper jack cheese.


2 tsp. light mayonnaise
2 slice sun-dried tomato or sourdough bread
2 slice Sargento® Deli Style Sliced Pepper Jack Cheese
1 romaine or red leaf lettuce leaf
2 slice large tomato
4 slice ripe avocado
2 tsp. salsa


Spread mayonnaise over bread. Layer cheese, lettuce, tomato, and avocado over bread. Spoon salsa over avocado; close sandwich. Serving size is 721 grams. Each serving: 13 g monounsaturated fat, 4 g polyunsaturated fat, 2426 RE vitamin A, 44 mg vitamin C, 476 mg calcium, and 10 mg iron.


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