Lunch: Truffle Gnudi with Italian Sausage


2 tablespoons canola oil
6 ounces Italian sausage
4 ounces sliced mixed mushrooms
10 ounces gnudi or gnocchi
4 ounces sliced zucchini
4 ounces sliced yellow squash
4 ounces diced tomato
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 ounce minced shallot
2 ounces white wine
2 pinches minced fresh thyme
6 ounces heavy cream
2 pinches minced fresh parsley
2 teaspoons truffle oil
1 ounce shaved Parmesan


Fill a 2-quart saucepan with 6 cups water and 1 ounce salt and heat to a boil over high heat.
In a medium saute pan over medium heat, heat the canola oil. Add the sausage and mushrooms and saute, without stirring or disturbing them much for optimum color, until the sausage and mushrooms are light brown, about 1 1/2 minutes.
At this time, your water should be at a full boil. Drop the gnudi or gnocchi in the boiling water.
Back at the saute pan, add the zucchini, squash and tomato and saute for about 45 seconds, then add the garlic and shallots and saute for another 45 seconds. Deglaze the pan with the white wine and add the thyme. The wine will evaporate during this process, leaving some moisture from your vegetables. Once evaporated, add the heavy cream and bring to a boil without stirring.
Check on the gnudi in the boiling water; it is ready when it floats to the top. Drain the gnudi and introduce to the saute pan, turning off the heat.
Toss all the ingredients until everything is well coated. Transfer to a serving vessel. Finish by adding dashes of the parsley around the top and drizzling the truffle oil on top. Garnish with shaved Parmesan and serve.
NotesThis recipe was provided by a chef, restaurant or culinary professional and may have been scaled down from a bulk recipe. The Food Network Kitchens have not tested it for home use and therefore cannot make any representation as to the results.


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