Lunch: Korean-Style Sesame Short Ribs

Marinating overnight makes these meaty ribs irresistible.


4 lb. beef chuck short ribs
1/2 c. light soy sauce
4 tsp. gingerroot
2 tsp. Asian sesame oil
3 large garlic cloves


With sharp knife, slash meaty side of short ribs diagonally at 1/2-inch intervals, about 1/4 inch deep.
In zip-tight plastic storage bag, combine soy sauce, ginger, sesame oil, and garlic. Add short ribs, turning bag to coat. Seal bag, pressing out as much air as possible. Place bag in 13" by 9" pan and refrigerate overnight, turning once.
Place ribs on grill over medium heat; brush with remaining marinade and cook 20 to 25 minutes for medium-rare, turning ribs occasionally.


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