Lunch: Pear, Pecan, and Goat-Cheese Pizza (A Sweet Slice) Recipe | MyRecipes

Recipe by Lori Powell Prep: 7 minutes; Cook: 8 minutes.Baked to Perfection: To make our pizza, we used Fabulous Flats for the crust and baked it in a 500 ° oven on the bottom rack to make it crispy.


Prebaked pizza crust
1 red pear, cored and sliced
1/4 cup (2 ounces) crumbled low-fat goat cheese
1/4 cup chopped pecans
1/4 cup thinly sliced red onion
1 tablespoon fig vinegar or balsamic vinegar


Place a prebaked pizza crust on a shallow baking pan; top evenly with sliced red pear. Sprinkle with goat cheese, chopped pecans, and sliced red onion. Bake 8 minutes or until pears are tender. Drizzle with fig vinegar or balsamic vinegar. Cut into 8 slices; serve.


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