Lunch: Severed Toes in Bandages

Recipe by Frank P. Think pigs in a blanket, with a twist! Guests will love eating these baked cocktail franks wrapped in pie crust strips, with a sliced almond toenail inserted into one end of the digit. Serve with blood-red ketchup for dipping.


1 box refrigerated pie crusts
1 package beef cocktail franks
36 almond slices
1 large egg
Ketchup, for serving


Heat oven to 450 °F. Line a large baking sheet with nonstick foil. On work surface, unroll a pie crust and, using a pizza wheel, cut crust into 3 ⁄8-in. strips.
Working with 1 frank at a time, wrap one-half to two-thirds of the cocktail frank with a dough strip (like a bandage), cutting the dough to fit. Repeat with remaining franks. Arrange on prepared baking sheet.
Using a small paring knife, make a horizontal slit on the unwrapped end of each frank, and insert an almond slice into the slit to resemble a toenail. Brush dough bandages with egg wash.
Bake 10 minutes, or until pastry is light golden brown. Serve immediately with ketchup.


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