Dinner: Quick and Spicy Turkey Chili

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:

Brown Rice

Health and fertility benefits of Quick and Spicy Turkey Chili

Brown rice is a natural source of Inositol, a derivative of Vitamin B (which is often prescribed in the form of supplements for women with PCOS). Inositol can effectively control the symptoms of PCOS by reducing insulin resistance and improving insulin sensitivity.


2 tablespoons canola oil
1 pound ground turkey thigh or dark meat
1/2 large red onion, chopped (about 1 cup)
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 teaspoons chili powder
1 teaspoon paprika
1 teaspoon ground cumin
Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper
1 (14 1/2-ounce) can diced tomatoes, undrained or use tomato sauce for a thicker sauce
1 (15-ounce) can red kidney beans, drained and rinsed, preferably organic
1/4 cup ketchup, preferably organic
3 tablespoons salsa
1 tablespoon tomato paste
A few dashes of Sriracha hot sauce (about 1/2 teaspoon)
Greek yogurt, for serving
Shredded Monterey Jack cheese, for serving
Cooked brown rice, for serving


Heat the canola oil in a large skillet, preferably cast iron, on high heat. Add the ground turkey and saute until browned, about 3 minutes. Add the onion and garlic and continue cooking until the turkey is cooked through. Add the chili powder, paprika, cumin, salt, and pepper and stir until evenly coated.
Reduce the heat to medium low and add the canned tomatoes with juices (or sauce) and kidney beans and stir. Add the ketchup, salsa, tomato paste, and Sriracha stirring until well combined. Let simmer for at least 20 minutes. The longer it cooks, the spicier it will be.
Serve over brown rice topped with Greek yogurt and shredded Monterey Jack cheese.
Cook's Note: This is a low-cal, low-fat, full-flavor turkey chili that is as filling as it is delicious! The addition of flavorful thickening agents instead of cornstarch or flour adds flavor and shortens cooking time!
Servings: 6


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