Dessert: Back-to-School Cupcakes Recipe


22 cupcakes of your choice
2 cans (16 ounces each) vanilla frosting
Yellow, black and red paste food coloring
Chocolate wafers, miniature cream-filled chocolate sandwich cookies and vanilla wafers
Other paste food coloring of your choice
Coarse sugar


On a covered cake board, place a row of five cupcakes for top of bus. Arrange six cupcakes each in the second and third rows. Follow with a row of five cupcakes.
Tint 2-1/2 cups vanilla frosting yellow; carefully spread over cupcakes. Spread vanilla frosting over cupcakes as desired for windows. Place a chocolate wafer on each tire; attach a miniature sandwich cookie hubcap with frosting.
Tint a small amount of vanilla frosting black and a small amount red; set aside. Pipe outlines and desired details onto bus with black frosting.
Place a vanilla wafer in each window. Tint remaining frosting as desired. Pipe faces on vanilla wafers; pipe hair, hats and shirts as desired.
Spread red frosting onto cupcakes for stop sign and taillights. Fill in headlights with coarse sugar.


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