Dinner: Rosemary and Garlic Roasted Potatoes

Recipe by /contributors/lillian-chou Rosemary's piney scent is so particular you could never mistake it for any other herb. A handful of sprigs (left over from Beef Sautéed with White Wine and Rosemary ) mingle with garlic to cast a spell over roasted po


2 pounds medium boiling potatoes, peeled and cut into 1-inch-thick wedges
3 tablespoons olive oil
5 to 6 large rosemary sprigs (about 5 inches long)
4 large garlic cloves, smashed and peeled


Preheat oven to 450 °F with a 4-sided heavy sheet pan in upper third.
Toss ingredients with 1 teaspoon salt and 1/2 teaspoon pepper. Spread in 1 layer on hot pan and roast 20 minutes. Loosen potatoes with a metal spatula and turn, arranging pale potatoes around outer edge of pan and golden potatoes in center (for even roasting). Roast 15 minutes, then loosen and turn potatoes over again. Roast until potatoes are golden and cooked through and edges are crisp, about 10 minutes more.


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