Dessert: Lime and Rum Caramel Creams


3 tablespoons dark rum
1/4 cup water
1 1/4 cups plus 2 tablespoons sugar
2 1/4 cups milk
1/2 cup heavy cream
5 large whole eggs
6 large egg yolks
3 tablespoons fresh lime juice (from about 1 1/2 limes)
1 tablespoon freshly grated lime zest (from about 3 limes)
1/2 teaspoon rum extract


Preheat oven to 300 °F.
In a small heavy saucepan stir together rum, water, and 3/4 cup sugar and bring to a boil over moderate heat. Cook mixture, without stirring, until sugar is dissolved and begins to turn golden caramel. Immediately divide caramel among six 1-cup ramekins, tilting them to coat bottoms evenly. (If caramel begins to thicken before all ramekins are filled, reheat it over low heat until just pourable.) Let caramel cool.
In a large saucepan scald milk with cream over moderate heat. In a large heat-proof bowl whisk together whole eggs, yolks, and remaining 1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar until mixture is combined well. Add scalded milk mixture in a slow stream, whisking constantly, and whisk in lime juice, zest, and rum extract. Strain mixture through a coarse sieve into a heat-proof pitcher or measuring cup (at least 6-cup capacity).
Arrange ramekins in a baking pan just large enough to hold them and divide mixture evenly among them. Add enough hot water to baking pan to reach two-thirds up sides of ramekins. Carefully put a single piece of foil over all ramekins, tucking it loosely around them, and bake in middle of oven about 1 hour 10 minutes (custards should appear set when shaken). Remove ramekins carefully from baking pan and let creams cool. Chill caramel creams, covered, 6 hours or overnight.
Run a thin knife around sides of caramel creams and gently shake them from side to side to loosen. Invert a dessert plate over each ramekin and invert caramel creams onto plates.


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