Snack: Baconscotch Chocolate Chunk Cookies


6 Slices Candied Bacon
3.5 Oz. Chocolate
1 1/2 Cup Almond Flour
1/2 Cup Softened Butter
1/2 Cup Erythritol
1 Lage Egg
2 Tbsp. Scotch (Whisky or Bourbon can be subbed in for this, as long as it has a sweet smell)
1 tsp. Baking Powder
1/2 tsp. Vanilla Extract


1. In a large mixing bowl, add 1 1/2 Cups Almond Flour.
2. Add your 1/2 Cup of Erythritol and 1 tsp. baking powder.
3. Mix this well until everything is combined.
4. Cut 2 OZ chocolate up into chunks to put into the cookies. About the size chocolate chips would be.
5. Add your softened butter to a mixing bowl.
6. Cream it well with your hand mixer.
7. Add your egg, scotch, and vanilla extract.
8. Keep mixing it until it’s all creamed together.
9. Slowly add your dry ingredients.
10. Mix it well until everything is combined, making a creamy looking dough.
11. Add your chocolate.
12. Fold it in well, making sure you don’t break up the chocolate. I use these silicon spatulas, which are nonstick and also make for fantastic scrambled eggs.
13. Grab you candied bacon. We’ll be using 2 slices to go into the cookies. 1 piece will go in whole, just chop it up. The second piece, trim the fat off of the bacon and only use the meat.
14. Add your chopped bacon to the dough and fold it in well.
15. Spread your mixture onto some plastic wrap and cover it.
16. Put the dough into the freezer for 30 minutes.
17. Once the 30 minutes has passed, preheat your oven to 325F.
18. Roll your dough out to about 1/4 inches.
19. Tear small pieces of the dough and roll them into balls. Place them on your baking sheet about 1 inch apart.
20. Use the palm of your hand to flatten the dough balls into cookies. I am using these silpats which make all baking non-stick friendly.
21. Put them in the oven for 20-22 minutes.
22. Chop your remaining candied bacon into small pieces.
23. Double Boil 1.5 Oz. chocolate on the stove. Add cream to make it into a ganache and dip your bacon bits into it.
24. Rest the bacon pieces onto foil to cool.
25. Once the cookies are ready, let them cool for 5 minutes.
26. Drizzle the chocolate ganache onto the cookies. The pattern doesn’t matter here, just pretend like you’re painting abstract art!
27. Add your bacon pieces on the top of each cookie and continue to let cool for 5 more minutes.
28. Transfer your cookies into a container, each layer separated by wax paper.
29. Serve and enjoy!


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