Lunch: Marzipan Snow People

Bring the winter wonderland inside with these fun and sweet figures. They'll create a flurry of compliments!


1 package (7 or 8 oz) marzipan or almond paste
56 slivered almonds (about 2 tablespoons)
8 round chocolate-covered peppermint candies (1 1/2 inches each), unwrapped
Multi-colored oblong candy sprinkles
2 packages (0.75 oz each) fruit snack in three-foot rolls (any flavor)
8 small gumdrops


Roll marzipan into log shape; divide into 8 portions. Divide each portion into large (1 1/4-inch) ball, medium (1-inch) ball and small (3/4-inch) ball.
For each snow person, poke 1 slivered almond into center of chocolate-covered peppermint candy. Place large ball over almond, gently pushing downward to attach. Gently push 2 almonds in center of large ball; attach medium ball, gently pushing down. Gently push 1 almond in center of medium ball; place small ball over almond, gently pushing down to attach.
Using toothpick, make holes in face of snowman for eyes and nose. Place 2 brown oblong sprinkles into holes to look like eyes. Place 1 oblong sprinkle in hole to look like nose. If desired, make holes for buttons and add colored oblong sprinkles. Place 2 slivered almonds in center of middle ball to look like arms.
Unroll fruit snacks. For scarf; cut eight 5x1/2-inch strips. Fold each strip in half horizontally, leaving 1 inch on each end unfolded; make small cuts at ends for fringe. Wrap around neck, slightly overlapping at shoulder. To make base of hats, cut eight 3/4-inch diameter circles of fruit snack. Place fruit snack round on snowman's head. Insert slivered almond halfway down into center. Cut off and discard 1/8 inch off bottom of gumdrop; flatten bottom slightly. Attach onto slivered almond to finish hat.


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