Lunch: Turkey Vegetable Wraps

Recipe by Karen Levin This recipe makes two adult-sized wraps. Feed little one half of a wrap, and refrigerate the other half for tomorrow's lunch. Take the second wrap with you to work, or send it with an older sibling or your spouse. Feel free to omit


1 cup coarsely chopped deli turkey breast
1 cup mixed salad greens
1/4 cup frozen whole kernel corn, thawed and drained
1/4 cup chopped red bell pepper
2 tablespoons thinly sliced green onions
2 tablespoons light ranch dressing
2 (8-inch) whole-wheat flour tortillas


Combine first 6 ingredients in a large bowl, tossing well to coat.
Warm tortillas according to package directions; top each tortilla with 1 cup turkey mixture. Roll up, and cut diagonally in half.
for your toddler: Wrap it tightly so it will be easier for a toddler to eat. Refrigerate it until serving time, or pack it in an insulated bag. Serve it with grape halves and milk.


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