Breakfast: 3-Ingredient Shakshuka

Recipe by /contributors/molly-baz In Epi's 3-Ingredient Recipes series, we show you how to make great food with just three ingredients (plus staples like oil, salt, and pepper). This delicious breakfast dish comes together fast, thanks to prepared salsa.


1/3 cup olive oil
6 cups fresh pico de gallo, strained
1 teaspoon kosher salt, plus more
3 1/2 ounces crumbled feta (about 3/4 cup)
6 large eggs
Freshly ground black pepper


Preheat oven to 375 °F. Heat oil in a large ovenproof skillet over medium-low. Add pico de gallo and 1 tsp. salt and cook, stirring occasionally, until tomatoes are very soft and liquid has reduced by three-quarters, about 25 minutes. Stir in feta. Gently crack eggs into skillet, one at a time, over tomatoes, spacing evenly. Season with salt and pepper.
Transfer skillet to oven and bake shakshuka until eggs are just set, 14 –16 minutes. Serve hot in skillet.


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