Lunch: Haunted Candy House


12 (7 1/2 by 4-inch) chocolate candy bars
2 bags chocolate nonpareils
2 bags candy corn
2 bags licorice jelly beans
4 bags gourmet jelly beans
6 bars chocolate covered wafer candy (recommended: Kit Kat Bars)
12 mini chocolate squares
Melted chocolate, for gluing
Candy, for decorating yard


Lay 1 (7 1/2 by 4-inch) chocolate bar flat on table, short side facing you. With melted chocolate, hold another chocolate bar lengthwise and glue against long side of flat bar. Hold until set. Repeat this process with 2 more chocolate bars until a 4-sided box is formed. Repeat to make 2 boxes total. Stand boxes upright. With melted chocolate, glue another chocolate bar between the 2 boxes to form the entranceway to the house. The chocolate bar should be flush with the back of the chocolate boxes, creating a set-in entranceway. Carefully cut another chocolate bar in 1/2 crosswise. Glue at an angle to form a roof peak. Repeat with 2 more bars to form a total of three roof peaks. Don't worry about these being perfect. Imperfections add to the "scary" effect. Glue 1 roof piece on top of each standing box. Balance the third roof piece on top of the first 2 roof pieces, creating a roof over the entranceway. Overlap nonpareil chocolate disks to create shingles on roof. Decorate the front eaves with candy corn and black jellybeans. Stack mini chocolate squares and glue together to create base for chimney and gateposts. Cover in melted chocolate and roll in gourmet jellybeans to create a stone effect. Set aside to dry. Once dry, attach the chimney to the roof and position the gateposts in front of the house, using more melted chocolate. Break chocolate covered wafer candy apart into long pieces. With melted chocolate, glue together to create fencing and window shutters. Pieces may break, adding to the scary effect. With a spoon, smear melted chocolate onto cardboard base to create pathway to front door. Cover with gourmet jelly beans to create stone pathway effect. Decorate yard with marshmallow pumpkins, ghosts, bats, and cats. Uses candy bars, orange slices and jelly worms to create graveyard.


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