Dinner: Fish with Kiwi Salsa

The spicy salsa really brings out the light flavor of the fish. Good for Phase 2 of South Beach.


1 avocado
2 cups kiwi fruit
1/2 lime yields lime juice
2 sprigs cilantro
2 tbsps chopped red onion
1 jalapeno
2 lbs basa fish (catfish)


1. Grill fish in aluminum foil packet until just flakey.

2. While fish is grilling, prepare the salsa.

3. Chop the kiwi fruit and avocado into larger chunks. Finely chop the jalapeno, cilantro and red onion. Lightly toss the mixed salsa and add salt and pepper to taste.

4. Serve the salsa over the grilled fish.

5. Note: removing the seeds of the jalapeno prior to chopping, will make it less spicy.


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