Dinner: Kottayam Fish Curry with Garcinia Cambogia

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:

Garcinia Cambogia

Health and fertility benefits of Kottayam Fish Curry with Garcinia Cambogia

Garcinia cambogia may help reduce glucose levels in the body, control cholesterol levels, boosts your metabolism and may reduce fat in the body.


king fish
5 pieces of garcinia cambogia
2 tbsp. red chilly powder
1/2 tsp. turmeric powder
1/2 tbsp. coriander powder
one large onion
medium size piece of ginger
2 green chilies
7 cloves of garlic
5 curry stems
1/2 tbsp. mustard seeds
1/2 tbsp. methi seeds
Pinch of salt
4 to 5 cups of water.


Heat the oil in a large pan and add mustard seeds until they begin to sputter. Then, add the onion, green chilies, ginger, garlic and 3 of the curry leaves. This should be cooked until the onions become a light brown color. Then add the coriander, chilly, and turmeric powder. Once this is mixed, add the kudampuli and uluva. Add water, remaining curry leaves, and salt to finish it off. Then, place the fish in the mixture and cook for 12 to 15 minutes or until tender


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Kottayam Fish Curry with Garcinia Cambogia

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 0

Amount Per Serving
Calories 0
Fat 0
Carbohydrate 0
Protein 0

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