Dinner: Diet Spicy noodle ダイエット中でもいっぱい食べれるラーメン

Some of us get hungry for ramen at mid night. Ramen usually has a lot of calories so it's not good to eat before we go to bed .I don't really eat ramen myself in my life. But my cousin has very famous ramen shop in my home town. I used to go there sometimes. And I always though ramen makes me fat LOL This recipe is about 280kcal (Including everything I used). You can change the topping to cut down more calories. Ingredients for super easy ramen soup : 320ml Chinese chicken stock : 1 tbsp soy sauce : ~ 1/2 tsp sesame oil (Just a little bit) : Garlic & Ginger (Grated) For toppings : 100g ~ 150g ground chicken : 30g garlic sprout : 1 1/2 tbsp Tobanjan (Dou ban Jang) : 2 tbsp sake : 1/2 tsp soy sauce : 1 tsp sugar : Shiraga-neg (Gray hair negi strips) : Half-boiled egg Other cooking videos http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL278F049508844120&feature=plcp '' What's cooking? '' Intro song by http://www.youtube.com/yetanothersongwriter Music by Purple Planet http://www.purple-planet.com/ TAM MUSIC FACTORY http://www.tam-music.com/ My Blog http://runnyrunny999.blogspot.com/ FaceBook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Runnyrunny999/165124113589039 Google https://plus.google.com/u/0/107303651724116203455/posts Thanks - runnyrunny999


See video for ingredients


See video for instructions


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