Dinner: Korean Royal Court Stir Fried Rice Cakes (Gungjung tteokbokki: 궁중떡볶이)

The recipe is here! http://www.maangchi.com/recipe/gungjungddeokbokki Gungjungddeokbokki is actually the original ddeokbokki and is very different than the more well-known red, spicy version. It has a lot more ingredients, for one, and it's stir fried and it's made with soy sauce. It was originally served in the royal court during the Chosŏn dynasty (1392--1910) and was considered to be a very fancy haute cuisine. This was before hot peppers were introduced or popular in Korea, so it isn't spicy at all. After gochujang was developed, a lot of people added it to Gungjungddeokbokki to make it spicy. But after the Korean war (1950-1953) a small store in Sindang-dong Seoul got famous by selling a cheap snack of spicy ddeokbokki made with flour-based rice cakes. This eventually became the spicy ddeokbokki that's so popular today. Enjoy the recipe! My ddeokbokki series is finished now. I'll meet you guys with a new recipe soon!...


See video for ingredients


See video for instructions


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