Snack: 5 Ingredient Pesto Pastry Scrolls

ONE POT CHEF COOKBOOKS ON iTUNES BOOKSTORE: 5 Ingredient Pesto Pastry Scrolls is a simple recipe for a delicious savoury snack, perfect for parties. Puff Pastry is smothered with pesto sauce, layered with sundried tomatoes and feta cheese, then rolled up, sliced and baked until golden and puffed. A flavour explosion that will impress your guests, and they'll never believe how easy they are to make - give it a go! ONE POT CHEF COOKBOOKS - PAPERBACKS AND EBOOKS: ONE POT CHEF POSTAL ADDRESS: One Pot Chef Show PO Box 4338 Bay Village NSW 2261 Australia MY SECOND CHANNEL: PLEASE SUBSCRIBE! FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER LIKE ME ON FACEBOOK ================= RECIPE FACT SHEET ================= INGREDIENTS IN THIS DISH: 2 Sheets of Ready Rolled Frozen Puff Pastry (thawed) 200g Tub of Store Bought Pesto Sauce (or make your own!) 200g of Feta Cheese (crumbled) 1 Cup of Sundried Tomatoes (sliced into thin pieces) 1 Egg (lightly beaten) Preparation Time: About 10 minutes Cooking Time: About 20 minutes per tray MAKES 12 PIECES ALL MEASUREMENTS GIVEN ARE AUSTRALIAN STANDARD METRIC (Look up Google for a conversion chart if using Imperial) More cooking videos at: Music Track: "Bright Wish" by Kevin MacLeod Royalty Free Music - Used with Permission under Creative Commons license.


See video for ingredients


See video for instructions


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