Dinner: Tamagoyaki (Japanese omelette) 卵焼き 作り方レシピ

http://google.com/ cookingwithdog http://facebook.com/cookingwithdog http://twitter.com/cookingwithdog Ingredients for Tamagoyaki (serves 2) 3 Eggs 3 tbsp Dashi Stock (3 tbsp water a pinch of dashi stock powder) 1⅓ tbsp Sugar 1 tsp Soy Sauce 2 pinches of Salt 20g Mitsuba Parsley Leaves (0.7 oz) or substitute: spring onion, coriander, mentaiko (marinated roe of pollock) or aonori seaweed Daikon Radish, Grated 1 Shiso Leaf A splash of Soy Sauce Olive Oil or your favorite vegetable oil Tamagoyaki Pan (15x16.5cm/6x6.5 in) 厚焼き卵(2人分) <材料> ・卵:3個 ・だし汁:大3(顆粒だしの素ひとつまみを水に溶いたもの) ・砂糖:大1と1/3 ・醤油:小1(6g) ・塩:二つまみ ・三つ葉:20g(青ねぎ、明太子、青のり可) ・大根(すりおろす):適量 大葉1枚 ・しょうゆ:少々 ・オリーブオイル 卵焼き器(15x16.5cm)


See video for ingredients


See video for instructions


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